2024- 2025 Arts in Education Grant Guidelines
1. Visual and performing arts teachers in Hernando County Public, Private, & Charter schools may apply
for funding. An administrator, principal, or director may apply on behalf of schools that do not have a
visual or performing arts program. Grant applications must align with the Arts in Education program
mission: to encourage, promote, and showcase the creative arts to the benefit of K-12 students in
Hernando County. Teachers may apply for either fall or spring projects. Schools are limited to one visual
and one performing arts application per year.
2. Arts in Education Grant Applications are now available online at the Hernando County Education
Foundation website at www.hernandoeducationfoundation.org.
3. Funding will be distributed according to HCEF’s 2nd round funding deadline dates to approved
applicants. Applications are due by September 4, 2024.
4. Handwritten applications will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted electronically by email to
brinker_t@hcsb.k12.fl.us & nidia@hernandoarts.org with the subject line ‘2024-2025 Classroom Grant Application.’ Attach
documentation as necessary. Must have your administrator electronically sign & submit applications.
5. Mid-Year Reporting and End of Year Project Evaluations are required for this program. Mid-Year
Reports are due on January 6, 2025, and End of Year Reports are due on April 28, 2025. Failure to
submit either report will result in full reimbursement of all funds and disqualify you from future
funding requests.
6. Applications require community and/or business sector partnership that are directly related to the
activities or engaged in the project. Partnership Agreement Statement(s) must be included with each
application. Any exceptions must be approved by the Executive Director at HCEF.
7. EXPENSES: Grant funds must be used for approved project expenses only. No expenditures can be
reimbursed without documentation (receipt or invoice) and must be submitted no later than the
published date for fall events and the published date for spring events.
Allowable expenditures for Classroom Grant include project-related equipment/ supplies, student
admissions, travel expenses (such as school bus transportation), professional development (including
appropriate training/conferences), and professional services (including workshops and seminars with
resident artists). Non-Allowable expenditures for classroom grants include advertising, operating
expenses, capital improvements, infrastructure, one-on-one entertainment or entertainment of
dignitaries, political/religious advocacy, food or beverages. NO UNAPPROVED PROJECT EXPENSES,
8. All technology related grant applications must be accompanied by an approved Hernando County
School Board Mobile Device Purchase Request form.
9. All printed materials associated with the grant must include the Hernando County Fine Arts Council
logo with the phrase: Sponsored in part by the Hernando County Fine Arts Council.
10. All projects must be concluded by April 2025 & must include pictures, news clips, social media
postings, or any other supporting media releases.
Ask for help! The HCFAC and HCEF are glad to guide you through the application process. Please email nidia@hernandoarts.org with any questions.

Tips for Preparing an Arts in Education Grant Application
1. Applications should have a compelling project title & description of a specific and significant need and show
originality and innovation in the classroom. When addressing NEED: Include a description of student
need(s), characteristics, or requirements and convey why there is a compelling need.
2. Applications should have clear objectives that spell out what specific results or student outcomes are to be
accomplished and how they are to be measured. Include goals and objectives that directly relate to the
identified need(s); and include objectives that are realistic, measurable and time bound.
3. Project activities should support achievement of project goals and be engaging to students. Project activities
should strongly encourage students to learn or apply information/skills in meaningful, real-world ways.
Project activities should be relevant, innovative, and/or unique and include many hands-on,
experience-based, collaborative learning opportunities.
4. Timeline has a logical sequence, reflects a well-thought-out implementation plan, and seems “doable” within
the project period.
5. Projects should be easily replicated with little or minor adjustments to implementation of the project itself.
6. The evaluation plan should be clearly described. Specify how data and/or documentation related to each of
the following components will be collected, used, and reported, ensuring a high degree of accountability: use
of project funds, implementation of project activities, impact of project activities, the extent to which the
identified student need(s) was addressed by the end of the project.
7. Costs should be within the funding guidelines. All items purchased must align to the project activities
described in the application. The budget request should be reasonable and appropriate given the needs of
the students and the potential impact of the project. Any changes to the original budget request must be
approved prior to spending the rewarded funds.
8. Good summaries describe what kids and teachers will do. Create a real-life scenario for the reader. Try to
paint a picture with words. The reader must clearly make sense of what you intend to do.
9. Business Partner’s Role should be more than financial. It is great to show how their expertise or assistance
will be utilized in relation to the project itself. Please specify if business partner(s) roles are hands-on or
10. Avoid jargon, acronyms, and do not overwrite. Make it easy for the reviewers to read your entire proposal. A
committee comprised of Arts Council members will review your application, and they may not be familiar
with educational terms such as “ESOL” and “differentiated instruction.” Briefly explain educational
terminology. Also, remember that grant readers review many grant applications, so be thrifty with your
words, but do not sacrifice important points to achieve brevity.
11. Be sure to READ all instructions. Proofread and spell-check your application. Get some honest
feedback on your proposal before you submit it. Ask one or two people to critically review the
proposal. Use their feedback to strengthen your final application. Once an application has been
submitted, no edits or revisions will be accepted.
12. Apply for other grants! In addition to the Arts in Education grant, HCEF distributes classroom grants and
project grants during three different cycles throughout the school year. Find them on the HCEF website at