Research has increasingly shown that low-income students are less successful academically than their higher-income peers due to the constraints of living in poverty. The Take Stock in Children program was designed to be a simple yet transformative model for 100% low-income youth in grades 6-12 by combining a volunteer mentor, college readiness and coaching, and a Florida Prepaid Project STARS scholarship.  Take Stock in Children is a non-profit organization in Florida that provides a unique opportunity for deserving, low-income youth to escape the cycle of poverty through education and was founded in response to persistent high school dropout rates among Florida’s most under-resourced youth.

We offer underserved students one-on-one support through caring volunteer mentors, professional college success services, the opportunity to earn a college scholarship, and hope for success in college, career, and life.  Every student in our mentoring program has the opportunity to earn a Florida Prepaid Scholarship–on the condition that you meet our program’s requirements. Obtaining this scholarship is a long-term goal that is achieved through years of hard work. We hope with our program’s support, the opportunity to go to college will help keep you motivated and eager to excel!

Each student who enters our program signs a contract promising to remain crime and drug-free, maintain a 2.5 GPA and above, exhibit good behavior, and meet with their assigned mentor regularly through high school graduation.  Upon graduation, students receive a 2-year college tuition scholarship. Take Stock in Children staff meet with students in the program each semester to ensure students have the resources they need to complete school. Student grades are tracked quarterly, and immediate intervention is provided should students show signs of academic decline.

Our comprehensive services start in middle school, continue through high school, and include their transition into college. This program is funded through a unique public-private fundraising model, and our mentors generously volunteer their services to our children.


The Hernando County Education Foundation (H.C.E.F.) took over TSIC in July 2020 from PHSC with 20 kids in the program. We are proud to announce that six of those students graduated and were able to further their education with the FREE Take Stock scholarship that they earned at the completion of the program. We granted ten new scholarships to new students the following school year. The H.C.E.F. was awarded five additional scholarships to bring in five more new students whose families are confirmed as financially eligible from DCF.  The H.C.E.F. is always looking to recruit new mentors for this wonderful program. The Hernando County Education Foundation can grant more scholarships to students through funding from community members and local business partners.

Take Stock in Children was founded in 1995 as a Florida nonprofit organization by business and community leaders and built as a public–private partnership to break down barriers to opportunity and instill hope in economically disadvantaged youth. The Take Stock multi–year model benefits students by providing support services through a volunteer mentor, a college success coach, and college readiness workshops while mitigating financial barriers to higher education by providing a Florida Prepaid College Foundation Project STARS scholarship. By setting high expectations for their academic future, Take Stock in Children helps students graduate from high school in strong academic standing and prepared for postsecondary success. Since 1995, Take Stock in Children has served over 37,000 low–income, at–risk children throughout Florida. Take Stock in Children’s innovative model helps children most often overlooked and underserved through early intervention, selecting students between the 6th and 9th grades to enroll in the program.  Participating students must maintain good attendance and grades and sign a contract committing to stay crime–free and drug–free.


Click here to view Take Stock In Children Website

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