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Ed Tech Conference – Instructional Technology Department

What do you plan to do? What is the purpose of this project? Why do you think this is important?:
The purpose of this project is to provide teachers throughout the entire Hernando County School District with professional development opportunities for multiple technologies that can be useful and helpful in their classrooms. This will provide teachers to learn about new and upcoming technology that will soon be available for them to use and to enhance their skills in what they are already using. Multiple different sessions will be offered for teachers to choose what they want to learn more about and focus on. This professional development is important, because technology plays a big part in education and will only continue to grow so it is important for our teachers learn about it and feel comfortable using it.


What will these funds be used to purchase? (Please provide specifics along with dollar amounts):
This is just in idea of what we are thinking we need. It could be more or less in each area, or an area we will need funds for may not be listed as the planning continues…
Food- $1,500     Speaker – $5,000     Give Away Items – $1,000     Supplies – $2,500     T-Shirts – $3,000

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$10,000Raised $0 towards the $10,000 target.$0Raised $0 towards the $10,000 target.0%


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